Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Aquaculture
(A Society under Marine Products Export Development Authority,
Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India)

Technology Development Centre for Sustainable Aquaculture

Open Access Journals

S.NO Journals Vol. Year
1. A Marine Mammal Assessment Survey of the S.E. US Continental Shelf 04/2002
2. AARM (Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management) Newsletter
3. Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria 2003
4. Acta Zoologica Sinica 2004-2007
5. Activities Report 1995
6. AFMA News Vol. 3 - 6 1999 - 2002
7. African Journal of Science and Technology 2001
8. Agricultural Economics Review
9. Agricultural Outlook 1995
10. Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin vol. 1 1994
11. American Fisheries Society Magazine featured articles of current + 1 year
12. Annual Meetings Reports 2002
13. Annual Report of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission 1994-1999
14. Annual Symposia on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Proceedings 1988-
15. Annual Technical Report 1993
16. ANSTI(African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions)
17. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 1953 - except current year
18. Aquaculture Asia 2002
19. Aquaculture Authority News 2002
20. Aquaculture Outlook (USDA) 1995
21. Aquafeeds Formulation & Beyond Vol.1 (1-4) 2004 - 3(1)
22. Aquanews : pond dynamics / aquaculture CRSP newsletter 1996
23. Aquatec vol. 1 1993
24. Aquatic Living Resources 1998, 11-
25. Arkansas Aquaculture 2002-


Atlantic Billfish Research Plan
Version 1.4 January 30, 2004
27. Atlantica
28. Austasia Aquaculture Magazine
29. Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics
30. Ballast Water News 2000-
31. Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings some FT access 1979-
32. Beche-de-Mer Information Bulletin 1990-
33. BENEFIT newsletter 1999-2000
34. Billfish Tournament Forms
35. Bioline International : access to quality research journals published in
developing countries
36. Biolog Aquatica some FT access 1981-
37. Boreal Environment Research 2000-
38. Bulletin of Ecological Society of America
39. Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Institute 1999-
40. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Reports 1950, 1-
41. California Explores the Ocean vol. 1 1913 -
42. Canadian Jnl. of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences Vol. 54 1997 - Abstract
43. Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Status reports
44. Caribbean Environment Programme. Newsletter 1996-
45. Caribbean Environment Programme. Technical Reports. vol. 1 1994-
46. Caribbean Journal of Science 2004 -
47. Caribbean Journal of Science Digital Archive 1961-2003
48. Catfish Processing (USDA) 1995-
49. Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Annual Report 1998-
50. Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Regional Notes 1998-
51. CERMES MarGov Project Document 6 : Report of the Fishers Forum: "Fisher folk and fisheries scientists linking and learning together" at the 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
5-9 November 2007
52. CFP Briefings (Common Fisheries Policy) Briefing 1
53. Ciguatera Information Bulletin/SPC 1991-
54. Coastal Communities News 1995-
55. Conservation Ecology CONTACT :Newsletter of the Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) 1997 - 2007
56. Crow's Nest (Casamar) 1999-2001
57. Development 2001-
58. Earth Negotiations Bulletin 1992-
59. Earth System Monitor 1995-
60. Ecological Applications
61. Ecological Monographs
62. Ecology
63. eJADE: electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics
64. El Anzuelo : European Newsletter on Fisheries and the Environment 1998-
65. Electronic Green Journal 1994-
66. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology 1998-
67. Electronic Journal of Icthyology V. 1, 2005 - V. 3 2007
68. Estuaries and Coasts V.1 (1960)-V. 25 2002
69. Eukaryotic Cell 2002 - except current year
70. Eurofish News 1998- (selected articles)
71. FAO ASFIS Reference Series 2002-
72. FAO CIFA Occasional Papers Series 1978-
73. FAO CIFA Technical Papers 1972-
74. FAO COPESCAL Technical Papers 1997-1998
75. FAO EIFAC Occasional Papers 1981-
76. FAO EIFAC Technical Papers 1981-
77. FAO Fisheries Circulars 1981-
78. FAO Fisheries Reports Varied date ranges
79. FAO Fisheries Synopses 1980-
80. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 402/2, 2001. Asia Diagnostic Guide to Aquatic Animal Diseases
81. FAO Fisheries Technical Papers
82. FAO GESAMP Reports and Studies 1986-
83. FAO GFCM Report 1997-
84. FAO GFCM Studies and Reviews 2001-
85. FAO Handbook of Fisheries Statistics 2003
86. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes 2001-
87. FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes 1988-
88. FAO State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) 1996-
89. FAO Statistcal Year Book
90. FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries 1995-
91. FAO Training Series 1980-
92. Fish Aggregating Device Information Bulletin 19, 961, 998
93. Fish Bulletin. California Department of Fish and Game 1913-
94. Fish Disease Leaflets 1987-
95. Fish for the People 2003-
96. Fish Inspector (Infofish) 2002-
97. Fish Veterinary Journal No. 1 1996-
98. FishBase
99. Fishbytes : The Newsletter of the UBC Fisheries Centre 1997-
100. Fisheries (American Fisheries Society) current year +1
101. Fisheries and Aquaculture Update 2002-
102. Fisheries Assessment Publications
103. Fisheries Co-management News 1998-
104. Fisheries Education and Training Information Bulletin 1997-
105. Fisheries Newsletter / SPC 1995-
106. Fisheries Research Contract Reports
107. Fisheries Research Reports (Australia) some full-text from 1999-
108. Fishery Bulletin 1999-
109. Fishing Future Vol. 1 - 2003 -
110. Fishing in Europe 2000-
111. Fishing Technology Digest (Infofish) 2001-
112. Fiskeriforskning Annual report 2002-
113. Fjölrit Hafrannsóknastofnunarinnar (Reports of the Marine Research Institute)
some full-text from 1975-
114. Food Chain : the International Journal of Small-Scale Food Processing 2001-
115. Fork Length : the Observer and Port Sampler Newsletter (SPC) 1999-
116. Forum Fisheries Association Reports 2003-
117. FreeFullText.com (direct links to over 7000 scholarly periodicals) varies
118. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
119. FSBI Briefing Papers 2001 -
120. Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande. Documentos Tecnicos
121. GESAMP Reports and Studies 1986-
122. Global Trade Conference On Aquaculture - Presentations
123. GLOBEC Reports 1991-
124. Harmful Algae News 1992-
125. Hidrobiologica 2000-
126. Hina, Les femmes et la pêche - Bulletin d'information de la CPS vol. 1 1998-
127. Historical Document: Life History and Fisheries of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna


Honolulu Laboratory Administrative http://www.sefsc.noaa.gov/sefscnoaastory.jsp

Reports some full-text from 1974-
129. ICAAE Newsletter 1994-1996
130. ICES / CIEM Newsletter 1997-
131. ICES / GLOBEC Newsletter
132. Ichthos 1982-
133. Ichthyological Bulletin
134. ICRAN Newsletter
135. ICSF Occasional Papers (International Collective in Support of Fishworkers) 2003-
136. ICSF Reports (International Collective in Support of Fishworkers) 2000-
137. IIFET Newsletter 2000-
138. IL PESCE some full-text from 1996-
139. IMO News 1999-
140. Indian Ocean Maps
141. Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Documents
142. Infection and Immunity 1970-except current year
143. Information on Fishery Research 1997-2007
144. Intercoast Network Newsletter 1997-
145. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review
146. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Newsletter some fulltext from 1998-
147. International Rivers and Lakes 1999-
148. Issues in Agricultural Economy (Chinese Association of Agricultural Economists - CAAE)
149. Issues in Ecology 1997-
150. Jaina (Centro Epomex) 2001-2002
151. JMBA Global Marine Environment
152. Journal of Agribusiness
153. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics
154. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
155. Journal of Aquariculture & Aquatic Sciences some FT access 1983-
156. Journal of Bacteriology Vol. 1 1916 - except current year
157. Journal of Biological Chemistry 1905-
158. Journal of Experimental Biology 1923 - 2007
159. Journal of Food Distribution Research
160. Journal of Great Lakes Research 1975- (except latest 2 years)
161. Journal of Insect Science 2001-
162. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education
163. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy some full-text from 1998-
164. Journal of Limnology (Italy) 1999-
165. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
166. Journal of Virology 1967 - except current year
167. Law of the Sea Bulletin 1983-
168. Lettre d'Information sur les Pêches (SPC) 1997-
169. Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin 1996-
170. Mangrove - Fish Research
171. Marine Finfish Aquaculture Newsletter 2002-
172. Marine Fisheries Review
173 Marine Mammal Society Newsletter 1984-
174. Marine Models Electronic Record Varies
175. Marine Resource Economics
176. Marine Turtle Newsletter 1976-
177. Maritimes 1998-2000
178. MCS Newsletter
179. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 1987- except current year
180. Micronesica: University of Guam journal of natural sciences of Micronesia and
related regions.
181. Molecular and Cellular Biology Volume 5, Issue 2 2003-
182. NACA Newsletter 2002-


NACA Publications
184. NAFO Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents 2002-
185. NAFO Scientific Council Studies 1998-
186. Naga : the ICLARM Quarterly 2000-
187. NAMMCO Annual Report 1995-
188. National Ocean Service Publications Data Base
189. Natural Resource Perspectives 1994-
190. New Agriculturist Online 1998-
191. New Zealand Fishing Industry Economic Review 1997-2001
192. NILOS Newsletter 1989-
193. NOAA South East Fisheries Science Center Publications
194. NOAA Technical Memorandum Series for SWFSC & SWR
195. NOAA Technical Reports NMFS 1999-
196. North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
197. Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
198. Northern Territory Government : Publications on Fisheries
199. Ocean Science
200. Ocean Science Journal
201. Oceanography: Magazine of the Oceanography Society 2001-
202. Oceanus
203. Out of the Shell 1998-1999
204. Pasifika: Newsletter of the Marine Studies Programme and IOI, Univ. South
205. PCAMRD Wave 1999-
206. Pearl Oyster Information Bulletin 1990-
207. Pelagic Fisheries Research Program Newsletter 1996-
208. Planet Earth
209. PLOS Biology Vol. 1 2003-


Pond Dynamics / Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program. Annual Administrative Report
211. Reef Base : A Global Information System For Coral Reefs
212. Reef Research 1996-2000
213. Reef Team Online Publications
214. Resources for the Future 1996-
215. Review of Maritime Transport 1997-
216. Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics
217. SAMUDRA Report Online - Triannual Report of the International Collective in
Support of Fishworkers
218. SCAR Bulletin 1998-
219. SCAR Report 1996-
220. Science Review (Bedford Institute of Oceanography) 1996-1997
221. Sea Around Us Project Newsletter 1999-
222. Sea Grant Abstracts 2002-
223 Sea Turtle Publications
224. Seafood Business 1999-
225. SEFSC Article from NOAA Magazine
226. Shark News: IUCN Shark Specialist Group 1994-
227. Shrimp News
228. Smithiana Bulletin 2003 - 2005
229. Smithsonian Special Publication No. 1 2002-2, 2003
230. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics
231. SPC Fisheries Training Information Bulletin 2005, 1-
232. Special Publication : JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology No. 57 1996-66,2001
Spore 1997-
233. Spore 1997-
234. Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish 1998-
235. Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook 1991-
236. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin
237. Trochus Information Bulletin 1992-
238. Tuna Market News No. 19 2001-
239. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2001-
240. U.K. Sea Fisheries Statistics 1995-
241. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report Varies
242. Western Economics Forum
243. Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science
244. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics
245. Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin 1997-
246. Working Paper Series. University of Bergen, Department of Economics 2000-
247. World Conservation 1999-2001
248. Yemaya ICSF's Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries 1999-
249. Zoological Research 2004 -2007

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