S.NO |
Journals |
Vol. |
Year |
1. |
A Marine Mammal Assessment Survey of the S.E. US Continental Shelf |
04/2002 |
2. |
AARM (Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management) Newsletter |
3. |
Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria |
2003 |
4. |
Acta Zoologica Sinica |
2004-2007 |
5. |
Activities Report |
1995 |
6. |
AFMA News |
Vol. 3 - 6 |
1999 - 2002 |
7. |
African Journal of Science and Technology |
2001 |
8. |
Agricultural Economics Review |
9. |
Agricultural Outlook |
1995 |
10. |
Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin |
vol. 1 |
1994 |
11. |
American Fisheries Society Magazine |
featured articles of current + 1 year |
12. |
Annual Meetings Reports |
2002 |
13. |
Annual Report of the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission |
1994-1999 |
14. |
Annual Symposia on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Proceedings |
1988- 2000 |
15. |
Annual Technical Report |
1993 |
16. |
ANSTI(African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions) |
17. |
Applied and Environmental Microbiology |
1953 - except current year |
18. |
Aquaculture Asia |
2002 |
19. |
Aquaculture Authority News |
2002 |
20. |
Aquaculture Outlook (USDA) |
1995 |
21. |
Aquafeeds Formulation & Beyond |
Vol.1 (1-4) |
2004 - 3(1) |
22. |
Aquanews : pond dynamics / aquaculture CRSP newsletter |
1996 |
23. |
Aquatec |
vol. 1 |
1993 |
24. |
Aquatic Living Resources |
1998, 11- |
25. |
Arkansas Aquaculture |
2002- |
Atlantic Billfish Research Plan Atlantica |
Version 1.4 |
January 30, 2004 |
27. |
Atlantica |
28. |
Austasia Aquaculture Magazine |
29. |
Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics |
30. |
Ballast Water News |
2000- |
31. |
Baltic Sea Environment Proceedings |
some FT access 1979- |
32. |
Beche-de-Mer Information Bulletin |
1990- |
33. |
BENEFIT newsletter |
1999-2000 |
34. |
Billfish Tournament Forms |
35. |
Bioline International : access to quality research journals published in developing countries |
36. |
Biolog Aquatica some FT access |
1981- |
37. |
Boreal Environment Research |
2000- |
38. |
Bulletin of Ecological Society of America |
39. |
Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Institute |
1999- |
40. |
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. Reports |
1950, 1- |
41. |
California Explores the Ocean |
vol. 1 |
1913 - |
42. |
Canadian Jnl. of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences |
Vol. 54 |
1997 - Abstract only) |
43. |
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Status reports |
44. |
Caribbean Environment Programme. Newsletter |
1996- |
45. |
Caribbean Environment Programme. Technical Reports. |
vol. 1 |
1994- |
46. |
Caribbean Journal of Science |
2004 - |
47. |
Caribbean Journal of Science Digital Archive |
1961-2003 |
48. |
Catfish Processing (USDA) |
1995- |
49. |
Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Annual Report |
1998- |
50. |
Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture. Regional Notes |
1998- |
51. |
CERMES MarGov Project Document 6 : Report of the Fishers Forum: "Fisher folk and fisheries scientists linking and learning together" at the 60th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute (GCFI), Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
5-9 |
November 2007 |
52. |
CFP Briefings (Common Fisheries Policy) Briefing |
1 |
53. |
Ciguatera Information Bulletin/SPC |
1991- |
54. |
Coastal Communities News |
1995- |
55. |
Conservation Ecology CONTACT :Newsletter of the Special Program for African Agricultural Research (SPAAR) |
1997 - 2007 |
56. |
Crow's Nest (Casamar) |
1999-2001 |
57. |
Development |
2001- |
58. |
Earth Negotiations Bulletin |
1992- |
59. |
Earth System Monitor |
1995- |
60. |
Ecological Applications |
61. |
Ecological Monographs |
62. |
Ecology |
63. |
eJADE: electronic Journal of Agricultural and Development Economics |
64. |
El Anzuelo : European Newsletter on Fisheries and the Environment |
1998- |
65. |
Electronic Green Journal |
1994- |
66. |
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology |
1998- |
67. |
Electronic Journal of Icthyology |
V. 1, 2005 - V. 3 |
2007 |
68. |
Estuaries and Coasts |
V.1 (1960)-V. 25 |
2002 |
69. |
Eukaryotic Cell |
2002 - except current year |
70. |
Eurofish News |
1998- (selected articles) |
71. |
FAO ASFIS Reference Series |
2002- |
72. |
FAO CIFA Occasional Papers Series |
1978- |
73. |
FAO CIFA Technical Papers |
1972- |
74. |
FAO COPESCAL Technical Papers |
1997-1998 |
75. |
FAO EIFAC Occasional Papers |
1981- |
76. |
FAO EIFAC Technical Papers |
1981- |
77. |
FAO Fisheries Circulars |
1981- |
78. |
FAO Fisheries Reports |
Varied date ranges |
79. |
FAO Fisheries Synopses |
1980- |
80. |
FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 402/2, 2001. Asia Diagnostic Guide to Aquatic Animal Diseases |
81. |
FAO Fisheries Technical Papers |
82. |
FAO GESAMP Reports and Studies |
1986- |
83. |
FAO GFCM Report |
1997- |
84. |
FAO GFCM Studies and Reviews |
2001- |
85. |
FAO Handbook of Fisheries Statistics |
2003 |
86. |
FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes |
2001- |
87. |
FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes |
1988- |
88. |
FAO State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) |
1996- |
89. |
FAO Statistcal Year Book |
90. |
FAO Technical Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries |
1995- |
91. |
FAO Training Series |
1980- |
92. |
Fish Aggregating Device Information Bulletin |
19, 961, 998 |
93. |
Fish Bulletin. California Department of Fish and Game |
1913- |
94. |
Fish Disease Leaflets |
1987- |
95. |
Fish for the People |
2003- |
96. |
Fish Inspector (Infofish) |
2002- |
97. |
Fish Veterinary Journal No. 1 |
1996- |
98. |
FishBase |
99. |
Fishbytes : The Newsletter of the UBC Fisheries Centre |
1997- |
100. |
Fisheries (American Fisheries Society) |
current year +1 |
101. |
Fisheries and Aquaculture Update |
2002- |
102. |
Fisheries Assessment Publications |
103. |
Fisheries Co-management News |
1998- |
104. |
Fisheries Education and Training Information Bulletin |
1997- |
105. |
Fisheries Newsletter / SPC |
1995- |
106. |
Fisheries Research Contract Reports |
107. |
Fisheries Research Reports (Australia) |
some full-text from 1999- |
108. |
Fishery Bulletin |
1999- |
109. |
Fishing Future |
Vol. 1 - |
2003 - |
110. |
Fishing in Europe |
2000- |
111. |
Fishing Technology Digest (Infofish) |
2001- |
112. |
Fiskeriforskning Annual report |
2002- |
113. |
Fjölrit Hafrannsóknastofnunarinnar (Reports of the Marine Research Institute)
some full-text from 1975- |
114. |
Food Chain : the International Journal of Small-Scale Food Processing |
2001- |
115. |
Fork Length : the Observer and Port Sampler Newsletter (SPC) |
1999- |
116. |
Forum Fisheries Association Reports |
2003- |
117. |
FreeFullText.com (direct links to over 7000 scholarly periodicals) varies |
118. |
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment http://www.esajournals.org/perlserv/?request=index-html |
119. |
FSBI Briefing Papers |
2001 - |
120. |
Fundacao Universidade do Rio Grande. Documentos Tecnicos |
121. |
GESAMP Reports and Studies |
1986- |
122. |
Global Trade Conference On Aquaculture - Presentations |
123. |
GLOBEC Reports |
1991- |
124. |
Harmful Algae News |
1992- |
125. |
Hidrobiologica |
2000- |
126. |
Hina, Les femmes et la pêche - Bulletin d'information de la CPS |
vol. 1 |
1998- |
127. |
Historical Document: Life History and Fisheries of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
128. |
Honolulu Laboratory Administrative http://www.sefsc.noaa.gov/sefscnoaastory.jsp
Reports some full-text from 1974- |
129. |
ICAAE Newsletter |
1994-1996 |
130. |
ICES / CIEM Newsletter |
1997- |
131. |
ICES / GLOBEC Newsletter |
132. |
Ichthos |
1982- |
133. |
Ichthyological Bulletin |
134. |
ICRAN Newsletter |
135. |
ICSF Occasional Papers (International Collective in Support of Fishworkers) |
2003- |
136. |
ICSF Reports (International Collective in Support of Fishworkers) |
2000- |
137. |
IIFET Newsletter |
2000- |
138. |
some full-text from 1996- |
139. |
IMO News |
1999- |
140. |
Indian Ocean Maps |
141. |
Indian Ocean Tuna Commission Documents |
142. |
Infection and Immunity |
1970-except current year |
143. |
Information on Fishery Research |
1997-2007 |
144. |
Intercoast Network Newsletter |
1997- |
145. |
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review |
146. |
International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade Newsletter |
some fulltext from 1998- |
147. |
International Rivers and Lakes |
1999- |
148. |
Issues in Agricultural Economy (Chinese Association of Agricultural Economists - CAAE) |
149. |
Issues in Ecology |
1997- |
150. |
Jaina (Centro Epomex) |
2001-2002 |
151. |
JMBA Global Marine Environment |
152. |
Journal of Agribusiness |
153. |
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics |
154. |
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
155. |
Journal of Aquariculture & Aquatic Sciences |
some FT access 1983- |
156. |
Journal of Bacteriology |
Vol. 1 |
1916 - except current year |
157. |
Journal of Biological Chemistry |
1905- |
158. |
Journal of Experimental Biology |
1923 - 2007 |
159. |
Journal of Food Distribution Research |
160. |
Journal of Great Lakes Research |
1975- (except latest 2 years) |
161. |
Journal of Insect Science |
2001- |
162. |
Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education |
163. |
Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy |
some full-text from 1998- |
164. |
Journal of Limnology (Italy) |
1999- |
165. |
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science |
166. |
Journal of Virology |
1967 - except current year |
167. |
Law of the Sea Bulletin |
1983- |
168. |
Lettre d'Information sur les Pêches (SPC) |
1997- |
169. |
Live Reef Fish Information Bulletin |
1996- |
170. |
Mangrove - Fish Research |
171. |
Marine Finfish Aquaculture Newsletter |
2002- |
172. |
Marine Fisheries Review |
173 |
Marine Mammal Society Newsletter |
1984- |
174. |
Marine Models Electronic Record Varies |
175. |
Marine Resource Economics |
176. |
Marine Turtle Newsletter |
1976- |
177. |
Maritimes |
1998-2000 |
178. |
MCS Newsletter |
179. |
Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews |
1987- except current year |
180. |
Micronesica: University of Guam journal of natural sciences of Micronesia and related regions. |
181. |
Molecular and Cellular Biology |
Volume 5, Issue 2 |
2003- |
182. |
NACA Newsletter |
2002- |
NACA Publications |
184. |
NAFO Scientific Council Research (SCR) Documents |
2002- |
185. |
NAFO Scientific Council Studies |
1998- |
186. |
Naga : the ICLARM Quarterly |
2000- |
187. |
NAMMCO Annual Report |
1995- |
188. |
National Ocean Service Publications Data Base |
189. |
Natural Resource Perspectives |
1994- |
190. |
New Agriculturist Online |
1998- |
191. |
New Zealand Fishing Industry Economic Review |
1997-2001 |
192. |
NILOS Newsletter |
1989- |
193. |
NOAA South East Fisheries Science Center Publications |
194. |
NOAA Technical Memorandum Series for SWFSC & SWR |
195. |
NOAA Technical Reports NMFS |
1999- |
196. |
North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization |
197. |
Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics |
198. |
Northern Territory Government : Publications on Fisheries |
199. |
Ocean Science |
200. |
Ocean Science Journal |
201. |
Oceanography: Magazine of the Oceanography Society |
2001- |
202. |
Oceanus |
203. |
Out of the Shell |
1998-1999 |
204. |
Pasifika: Newsletter of the Marine Studies Programme and IOI, Univ. South Pacific |
1999 |
205. |
1999- |
206. |
Pearl Oyster Information Bulletin |
1990- |
207. |
Pelagic Fisheries Research Program Newsletter |
1996- |
208. |
Planet Earth |
209. |
PLOS Biology |
Vol. 1 |
2003- |
Pond Dynamics / Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support Program. Annual Administrative Report |
211. |
Reef Base : A Global Information System For Coral Reefs |
212. |
Reef Research |
1996-2000 |
213. |
Reef Team Online Publications |
214. |
Resources for the Future |
1996- |
215. |
Review of Maritime Transport |
1997- |
216. |
Review of Marketing and Agricultural Economics |
217. |
SAMUDRA Report Online - Triannual Report of the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers |
1998- |
218. |
SCAR Bulletin |
1998- |
219. |
SCAR Report |
1996- |
220. |
Science Review (Bedford Institute of Oceanography) |
1996-1997 |
221. |
Sea Around Us Project Newsletter |
1999- |
222. |
Sea Grant Abstracts |
2002- |
223 |
Sea Turtle Publications |
224. |
Seafood Business |
1999- |
225. |
SEFSC Article from NOAA Magazine |
226. |
Shark News: IUCN Shark Specialist Group |
1994- |
227. |
Shrimp News |
228. |
Smithiana Bulletin |
2003 - 2005 |
229. |
Smithsonian Special Publication |
No. 1 |
2002-2, 2003 |
230. |
Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics |
231. |
SPC Fisheries Training Information Bulletin |
2005, 1- |
232. |
Special Publication : JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology |
No. 57 |
1996-66,2001 Spore 1997- |
233. |
Spore |
1997- |
234. |
Standing Committee on Tuna and Billfish |
1998- |
235. |
Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook |
1991- |
236. |
Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin
1992- |
237. |
Trochus Information Bulletin |
1992- |
238. |
Tuna Market News |
No. 19 |
2001- |
239. |
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
2001- |
240. |
U.K. Sea Fisheries Statistics |
1995- |
241. |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report Varies |
242. |
Western Economics Forum |
243. |
Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science |
244. |
Western Journal of Agricultural Economics |
245. |
Women in Fisheries Information Bulletin |
1997- |
246. |
Working Paper Series. University of Bergen, Department of Economics |
2000- |
247. |
World Conservation |
1999-2001 |
248. |
Yemaya ICSF's Newsletter on Gender and Fisheries |
1999- |
249. |
Zoological Research |
2004 -2007 |